Monthly Archives: September 2016

Tivoli Gardens

I love a non-stop flight to Europe. Usually from Florida we have to connect in another U.S. hub, such as Dulles or JFK. So in planning a trip to Sicily, I found a direct flight from Orlando to Copenhagen on Norwegian Airlines. From there it was another direct flight to Catania in Sicily. So long as they aren’t serving lutefisk aboard, let’s do it. And let’s spend four nights in Copenhagen taking a look around, because we’ve never been there. And Danny Kaye thinks it’s wonderful! And it is!

The world-famous Tivoli Gardens had be one of our first stops our first day of sightseeing. The second-oldest amusement park in the world (after Dyrehavsbakken, also in Denmark), opened in 1843. It’s the second-most popular seasonal theme park in the world, after Disney World in Orlando.

Tivoli’s founder, Georg Carstensen (1812-1857), obtained a five-year charter to create Tivoli by telling King Christian VIII that “when the people are amusing themselves, they do not think about politics.” I think we need a new Disney park somewhere in America, and we need it now!

Tivoli sits in the heart of Copenhagen on a busy street directly across from City Hall. It’s a popular place with people of all ages, and on the day we were there, a Wednesday, there were many senior citizens strolling about and having lunch in one of the many restaurants. We fit right in!

Take a look at the beautiful Tivoli:


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Tivoli Entrance in the heart of Copenhagen

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Manhole cover at Tivoli

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Tivoli Trolley – After hopping aboard we realized it is intended for children. We barely fit.

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We’re reflected in the Fun House mirror

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Whee!Tivoli Ride 3

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